So you want to play monster zone? Well we've got all you need to know right here to get you started!
The Short Version
Create your Deck
Start with a deck of 40-60 cards, both players must have an equal amount. There can be doubles of certain cards but no triples.
Choose LP & DP
LP are your Life Points and DP is your defense points! We recommend starting with points between 500-1500! Although the DP and LP don't have to be equal both players DP and LP have to be equal.
The First to lose all their LP and hit 0 lose the game!
The Long Version
Now that you have an idea about how this game will play let's get deeper into how to actually play!
Starting the Game
As we talked about before we have to start by setting up our Decks and our LP & DP! Once that
is finished both players must roll a d6 to see who goes first, the biggest number wins! Both players will start with 5 cards, can draw 1 card at the beginning of every turn, and CANNOT attack on the first turn! Once a player reaches 7 cards in their hand, they cannot draw another card until a card in their hand is placed on the field or discarded in the graveyard.
Card Types
Now that we know how to set up our game lets learn about the main mechanics starting with the main card types
Monster cards will be the majority of your deck. These cards are meant for direct attacks but all come with attack effects for minor damage.
These cards have an important purpose. As long as you have DP any defense cards that attack will only do half damage against you. To add on to that as long as you have DP defense cards are the only card that can be attacked!
These cards work a lot like monster cards except they are more known for their effects. Effect cards usually have an effect that's more useful than one of a monster card.
Pet cards, depending on what abilities they have, can be a very useful assist. These cards can only be attacked by other pet cards!
And after these cards are spell and trap cards. They sound exactly as you think! Trap cards can be placed face down and can be activated if sprung by the enemy! While spell cards can be used anytime on your turn (depending on what the card says)
Star Count
So now that we know what type of cards there are we can now talk about star count.
Each monster has a star count! This star count works as their health and level! Each star is worth 10hp! so a card with 7 stars has 70 hp! However, the star count can also affect how a monster is brought out onto the feild, Most monsters can just be placed on the field but if a monster as 5 or more stars they require certain things to be summoned which brings us to our next rule-
There are a few ways to summon a monster with 5 or more stars.
Phases and Placement
Now that we have an understanding on the cards and placements lets talk about the 3 main phases: The main phase, The attack phase and the End Phase.
The Main phase is the beginning of your turn, this is the time you take to set up your cards on the field! On the field there are 6 monster zone spaces, 6 spell and trap zone spaces,1 pet zone and a spot for your deck and graveyard. there can only be 6 monster cards and spell & trap cards on the field at a time along with only 1 pet card. To add another card on the field a card must be sacrificed from the zone the card has to go to.
Next is the attack phase. This is when you would attack the other player. once you reach this phase you CANNOT place any more cards on the field or use any spells (unless the card says otherwise) until your end phase.
Finally the end phase! During this phase you can place more spells and traps if need to but cannot summon more monsters to the field.
Battle and Damage
Finally, the good part, battle! This will be how you win the game!
Battle can be a little tricky. There's a few ways to go about attacking
Have fun! It may seem complicated but once you get in the swing of it we're sure you'll become a world class summoner! Still confused? Don't worry we have a tutorial for you to watch and if that isn't enough contact us at anytime and we'll answer your questions or check the MZ FAQ!
Each player gets 10 mana. You can use this mana to summon monsters that have 5 and up stars. Use mana equal to the amount of stars on the card. Every turn the mana is refilled by 2 till youre back at 10.
If you don't have mana, then you can sacrifice monsters!
5-6 stars require 1 monster be sacrificed, while 7 stars or more require 2.
Or you can use both methods, let's say you have enough mana to cover 2 stars, you can sacrifice a card to cover the rest!
Monster vs Monster
You can attack another monster! Using the monsters star count, if one monster has more stars then another then the higher star card can destroy the one with less numbers. Whatever is left over goes to the players DP or LP if they are out of DP.
(Exp. 7(70hp) stars - 5(50hp) stars = 2(20hp) stars so the player takes 20 damage)
Effects or Sacrafice
On your turn you can attack with a weaker monster to do minor damage to a bigger monster while also sacrificing your own card.
(Exp. If a five star attacked a 7 star the five star would be destroyed but the seven star would be left with 2 stars making it weaker)
Or you can use an effect! Effects usually rely on luck and often lead to odd numbers when it comes to damage. If this happens then round up the damage to the card. if the attack doesn't do at least half damage no damage is done.
(Exp. If a card takes 1.5 damage wround it up to 2, no damage done.
If a card takes 4.5 damage, round it up to 5 that card takes a )
The easiest attack yet hardest attack is the direct attack. The only way to attack directly is by destroying all of the players Monster cards. If you are able to attack directly then the player takes full damage!