Welcome to Aloris, once a land inhabited by humans and animals now overrun by monsters and magic. To keep the peace, the human race started to create summoners, selected individuals that capture and tame monsters in hopes to bring the number of monsters down, however, over time the goal changed. Summoners still capture monsters, as that is their duty, but now they use those monsters to battle other summoners in intense battles. This game they made now goes by MONSTER ZONE.
How to Play
Create a deck of 40-60 cards (note: you can only have 2 of every card) and set up you and your opponent's LP and DP, which should be between 500-1500.
Roll a d6 to decide who goes first. The highest number goes first.
Draw 1 card at the beginning of every turn.
Start the beginning phase by setting up your monster and spell/trap cards! (Note: you can have between 1-6 cards in each zone on the field at a time)
Then the battle phase where you strategize who you should attack, but both players cannot attack on the first turn.
After that is the end phase where you can place more spells/traps if you need to but at this point you cannot summon any new monsters or use any effects or spells. Then tell the other play you’ve ended your turn, after that the next player begins their turn!
It continues to go on like this for a while until one player either loses all of their LP or a player runs out of cards in their deck. Of course, there's a lot more that goes into it but you can always read the rules here or here for the casual play version!